Most recently my artistic research is focused in investigating DISRUPTIVE PROCESSES which comprises various projects, workshops  and event formats taking place from October 2016 to present .They are constituted as non-hierarchical open projects in which knowledge is reciprocated and embodied. From the idea of impulse and movement taking place in the exhibition space, the projects seek to reconfigure the roles of the creator and the audience with an emphasis on social and environmental justice and address the ecologies of the present .Receding from the traditional experience of art, they shed light on the virtues of participation in generating new and multi-faceted narratives.

If we look back historically collectives tend to emerge during periods of crisis; in moments of social upheaval and political uncertainty within society. Such crisis often forces reappraisals of conditions of production, re-evaluation of the nature of artistic work, and reconfiguration of the position of the artist in relation to economic, social, and political institutions

‘The Artist as Producer in Times of Crisis’ by Okwui Enwezor, 2004

Rehearsing an Improbable Assembly ,2017. An investigation of the rehearsal as a methodology, medium, modus operandi, site of representation and collective participation. It constitutes by a series of workshops with young students from public schools in Athens, Greece and concludes as a four hours performance, a hybrid space of gathering performing and practicing free speech featured during the Night of Ideas and Philosophy which took place in Athens with the sponsorship of  Goethe Institute Athene. It is facilitated by me and members from the Theater of the Oppressed  with an ambition to form emancipatory strategies for environmental sustainability and an ambition to strengthen where and how art can happen, and to scrutinize the systematic tools of our time used to govern us all.


Jenny Marketou, Rehearsing an Improbable Assembly, (2017)
Assembly View, Night of Ideas and Philosophy
Goethe Institut Amphitheater, Athens, Greece
© Jenny Marketou


Jenny Marketou, Rehearsing an Improbable Assembly, (2017)
Assembly View, Night of Ideas and Philosophy
Goethe Institut Amphitheater, Athens, Greece
© Jenny Marketou


Jenny Marketou, Rehearsing an Improbable Assembly, (2017)
Assembly View, Night of Ideas and Philosophy
Goethe Institut Amphitheater, Athens, Greece
© Jenny Marketou