Written by Campus Novel

Campus Novel attempt a performative assessment on the phenomenon of development in view of the vision of social prosperity. The historic demand for urban planning and reconstruction in the Faliro and Piraeus coastal area is chosen as a case study for the particularities of an urban social geography.

ANAPLASIS project is based on an action performed by the members of the group on a restaurant facade in March 2015. The restaurant opened in the 1950s under three distinctive names: Marida, Delfini, Tokas. Each one of these names states a respective spatial and aesthetic renovation and extension undertaken by the managers. This small-scale initiative is indicative of larger changes taking place in the area in particular temporal and sociopolitical circumstances.
The action focuses on a procedure of successively installing and deinstalling the signs with the several names of the restaurant in different eras. The semiology of the sign in this context determines redevelopment as a programmatic declaration. The event is completed in a few hours, in order to attain a temporal concentration. It is proposed as an act of appropriation rather than one of intervention.


Anaplasis (2015) Campus Novel
Courtesy of the artist
Anaplasis (2015) Campus Novel
Courtesy of the artist
Anaplasis (2015) Campus Novel
Courtesy of the artist