Writte n by Eva Giannakopoulou
gynaikopaida are the first attempt of a performative documentation of an archive mapping artworks and diverse expressions on “alternative” parenthood.
Talks, interventions, performative actions, films and videos, painting, sculpture, photographs and literature, will constitute a field of meetings where moms and dads, daughters, sons, cousins, brothers, aunts and further relatives, will converse on gender identities, birth, medicalization and performativity of the female, feminized or effeminate body. Which is the role of works and expressions approaching body and memory politics, stereotypical -or not- representations of kinship and children, in a social context redefined by “different parenthood”? How can these “kinship expressions” constitute a referential artistic field that can be studied or archived?
Rainbow Families Greece
Stella Bellia (Rainbow Families president, kindergarten teacher, McS theater in education)
Paraskevi Damaskou (Rainbow Families member, actress, ΒcS in psychology)
Vanessa Veneti (Rainbow Families member, self-defense instructor)
OVO Hellas: “Gynecologic and Obstetric Violence: Now and then”
The Pink House, Antwerp, Ersi Varveri and Gijs Waterschoot
Ianthi Aggelioglou (visual artist), Sam Albatros, Ayşenur Babuna (entrepreneur, activist), Aggeliki Bozou (visual artist, performer), Despoina Gamvroudi (visual artist), Fotini Gouseti (visual artist, researcher), Sofia Grigoriadou (visual artist, PhD candidate, Panteion University), Tatiana Ilichenko (visual artist), Dimitra Kondylatou (visual artist), Αpostolos Lampropoulos (academic, professor of comparative literature, Université Bordeaux Montaigne), Tatiana Mavromati (photographer), George Miliarakis, Persefoni Myrtsou (visual artist, PhD candidate, Humboldt University), Μaria Nikiforaki (visual artist), Eliana Otta (visual artist), Κelly Ousantzopoulou (social anthropologist), Μaroula Papanastasi (aesthetician), Nikos Polymenakos (musician), Prokni (performer), Εlpida Rikou (social anthropologist, visual artist), Panos Sklavenitis (visual artist), Vasiliki Sifostratoudaki (visual artist), Naira Stergiou (visual artist, PhD candidate, ASFA), Maria Tzeferi (photographer), Μichailangelos Vlassis-Ziakas (visual artist), Τina Voreadi (visual artist).

© Eva Giannakopoulou
Photo credits: Tatiana Ilychenko & Eva Giannakopoulou