VASKOS is an artistic duo, an ongoing project exploring hybrid identities, sharing practices, joint thinking and operating. It started in Athens in 2014. It deals with hybridity exploring playfully the notion of artistic, sexual and national identity. It uses as vehicle various media: performance, photography, drawing, video, ceramics, publications and curating. VASKOS has presented two solo exhibition, has participated at the “Athens Photo Festival 2019” and curated the group exhibition “Upper Lane, Lower Lane” (2020).
The pictures below refer to :
- Two photos from the series of staged photography. We are interested in the idea of the ‘home-workshop’, of the home that is constantly being transformed, shifting from the familiar to the uncanny and back again; a place amenable to the imaginary and to playfulness. We create hybrid environment somewhere between the real and the imaginary; a game of identities and roles which plays with mirror images and reflections and is often infused with homoeroticism.
- Two drawings (70x100cm each) from the series of jointly made drawings. We work on several drawings at the same time, taking turns to intervene in each one. Every drawing consists of multiple layers created as we intervene in each other’s work. It is a bit like arm-wrestling. Ultimately, it’s hard to pick out who did what.
- A video-still from our video “A Cyborg Manifesto in an Apartment in Athens an Autumn Afternoon”. The video refers to the image cover of the first edition “Cyborg Manifesto” by Donna Haraway (1985). The video attempts a playful reenactment of the initial image (painting by Lynn Randolph) through a performative way and an improvised setting. It deals with hybridity, fusion of human-animal-machine, the notion of double, and the recent financial crisis of Greece! It is a home-made DIY production created with the stop-motion technique.